Articles Tagged With:
EPA Wants to Clamp Down on Common Sterilization Gas
Agency seeks to better regulate ethylene oxide to protect workers from harm.
Can EEG and fMRI Help Predict Who Will Recover Consciousness After Brain Injury?
In conjunction with serial clinical examinations, electroencephalogram and functional magnetic resonance imaging may be helpful in predicting who will recover consciousness after an acute brain injury. However, in this study, early withdrawal of care leaves much uncertainty regarding the probability of eventual recovery.
Diltiazem Found to Be Better than Metoprolol in Heart Rate Reduction for Atrial Fibrillation in Heart Failure
In patients with atrial fibrillation and heart failure, intravenous diltiazem results in greater heart rate reduction than metoprolol with a similar safety profile, but further research is needed in this patient population.
Short-Term Use of Haloperidol Did Not Decrease Risk of Mortality in ICU Patients with Delirium
The use of scheduled intravenous haloperidol in intensive care unit patients with delirium did not result in additional days alive and out of the hospital at 90 days as compared to placebo.
Flow Settings During High-Flow Nasal Cannula Oxygen Therapy
This article intends to examine the impact of flow settings in adult patients for various clinical conditions.
Insulin Resistance at the Blood-Brain Barrier in Alzheimer’s Disease
Alterations in cerebrovascular insulin receptor isoform levels were associated with Alzheimer’s disease pathology and caused deficits in insulin signaling at the level of the blood-brain barrier.
Influence of Vitamin Intake on Migraine Prevalence
Among participants experiencing severe headaches or migraine, those with severe headaches also reported a lower intake of thiamine and riboflavin, based on 24-hour recall of food intake.
Multivitamin-Mineral Supplementation vs. Cocoa Extract for Cognition
Researchers followed participants for three years and determined daily cocoa supplement use was not associated with cognitive enhancement in older adults, whereas a multivitamin supplement was associated with significant cognitive benefits.
Zavegepant Nasal Spray (Zavzpret)
Zavegepant can be prescribed to treat migraine, with or without aura, in adults.
Double BBB, or Complete AV Block?
The ECG in the figure is from a woman who complained she had been experiencing chest pain for several days. What is the rhythm? Is there complete AV block?